The Lisa Files Page 1

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  1. Gravatar MaggieSimpson says:

    Please Part 2 i Wanna seese another dreams!

  2. Gravatar John Smith says:

    Good job. Very nice

  3. Gravatar Mike says:

    Is that really “Squishie Juice” on Martin face?
    Why was Jaffee rewarded by Martin?
    What were the two really doing?

  4. Gravatar matt says:

    I think that you can release all page in black and white.

  5. Gravatar matt says:

    Where is the rest?

  6. Gravatar magicmel says:

    Sorry to bother you

  7. Gravatar magicmel says:

    When will you release new panels?

  8. Gravatar magicmel says:

    How many pages till Lisa Files is finished?

  9. Gravatar magicmel says:

    Ok Thanks for your reply

  10. Gravatar magicmel says:

    Where is the rest of this?
    You have said that you have finished it

  11. Gravatar Moriarty says:

    Looking forward to seeing the rest of this 😀

  12. Gravatar dan says:

    Work in progress? When you complete it?

  13. Gravatar Anonymous says:

    that comment reminds me of the South Park episode where Stan is depressed and everything he sees looks like shit haha. I hope you overcome that and keep the good work. Sorry for my english

  14. Gravatar XDtreyxx says:

    I know you’re busy working on other things, and I saw that this comic is on hold. Any idea on when completion will be?
    Keep up the good work, can’t wait for this one.

  15. Gravatar flamingspaz says:

    ^^^ Fair enough. Thanks for the great work. Looking forward to see how this one turns out XD

  16. Gravatar Silhouetters says:

    Can’t wait for this to come out. Waited so longgg (HINT)

  17. Gravatar XDtreyxx says:

    How much longer?

  18. Gravatar dead_man_616 says:

    When is the next The Lisa Files – Page 4 be out?

    What’s taking so long?

  19. Gravatar sugar123 says:

    is that cum on martins mouth?

  20. Gravatar luxray254 says:

    What is your full time job fairycosmo?

  21. Gravatar dead_man_616 says:

    Come on how long does it take to draw all the images?

    please upload all of tham.

  22. Gravatar poppycock says:

    Love all you do! Can’t wait for this. Question, why do you draw her with the shorts like that? I don’t mind, I like em 😛

  23. Gravatar darthrageous says:

    Lisa Files upcoming summer spectacular,
    can’t wait to be amazed!

  24. Gravatar dead_man_616 says:

    when will The Lisa Files be complete?

  25. Gravatar Andreu1991 says:

    Looks very good
    When will be ready the rest of the comic?

  26. Gravatar amcguirejobs says:

    At last how long till page one

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The Lisa Files - Page 2 (The Simpsons)
The Lisa Files Page 2
August 6, 2014
The Lisa Files - Page 2 (The Simpsons)
The Lisa Files Page 2
August 6, 2014